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The brigand Abiy, a student of Aung Sam Suu and Isayas, destroying Ethiopia!


The brigand Abiy, a student of Aung Sam Suu and Isayas, destroying Ethiopia!

W.Yilma  November, 16/2020

The world is watching as if the unjust war going on against the people of Tigray, is similar to watch as entertainment the savage bloody Gladiators fight in the past century. The illegal Abiy uses the Nobel Prize award as a tool to commit crimes against humanity in Ethiopia. Abiy is untouchable after he was awarded wrongly the Nobel prize. Hence under his administration, millions of people displaced internally, killed, tortured, and arrested in thousands. Currently the people of Tigray are targeted and executed by Abiy. Almost for the last 10 days, Tigray is militarily attacked from four fronts. The first is the “Nobel prize winner” Ali military; the second is one of the terrorist sponsors in Eastern Africa, a killer of his own citizens, Isayas Afewerki of Eritrea. The third front is from the chauvinist groups lead by Amhara elites who considered themselves as the sole owner of Ethiopia. The fourth is recently started from United Arab Emirates, with diplomatic support from United States of America. These four groups, in particular the former three who have uncompromising interest among themselves have deep rooted hate against the people of Tigray. This is the driving force which brought them together to launch aggressive war against the innocent people of Tigray. These groups are fully supported by media outlets funded by Abiy to disseminate fake information to disguise the crime they are committed against the people of Tigray. Reports coming from the border of Ethiopia and Eritrea where fears fighting is going on is gloomy. The Eritreans and Ethiopian solders using Eritrean soil as a base are killing indiscriminately all Tigrayans found in their way, in particular in Zalanbessa and Bademe vicinities. Although it needs further evidence, former prisoner of war the retired general Balcha Debelle is the leader in this front. This man has intoxicated with hate against the people of Tigray and it is expected to commit further crimes on civilian Tigrayans.     

If the world communities give these the Axis of Evil time, the last result will be more tragedy than what has happened in Rwanda genocide. This time it reminds me three historical pasts. One is the second world war where the Jewish people were executed by the Nazi Germany. The second is the first Arab Israel war, where the new Jewish state was encircled by united Arab armies to destroy the state of Israel. The third is the coordinated propaganda campaigns led by Joseph Goebbels of Nazi Germany use to corner and expose the Jewish people for executions. The same is happening currently by these three the Axis of evils against the people of Tigray. Therefore, the international   communities should not give time to these evils and tangible measures should be taken against those who do not accept the call for seas fire and mediation. The unity of international communities is vital in this regard to safe millions of innocent lives.

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Why Abiy is encouraged to go from one mistake to another and take Ethiopia in this mess? To me there are two main reasons: One is he uses the Nobel prize as a tool to commit crimes, and the second is the silence of the Ethiopian people unresponsiveness for wrongdoing by this psychopath person. At this crucial time where things are going in wrong directions, silence is a fatal mistake, which may lead us to total destruction. As If the treason he committed is not enough, currently he is busy in destroying government owned infrastructures in Tigray. This make him the first person in the history of the world who betrayed his own country, and damage the country’s properties built by loans, and tax payers’ money (the prize of the bomb the pilot uses, the price of the property damaged, and the running cost to execute this missions). We as a people should not give this incapable mad man another chance to destroy our social fabrics.

As I said earlier, Tigray is encircled from all sides by Abiy, chauvinist Amhara elites and Isayas conspiracy, and people are dying not only from unfair war declared by Abiy on them, but also from shortages of basic commodities, supplies and hospitals are emptied to deliver basic services to the needy. Denying this basic services and goods is deliberate act of ethnic cleansing and need urgent actions from the international communities.  The people of Tigray do not have trust on Ethiopian Human Right commission (EHRC), to echo their voices, because of this, this organization is directly run by Amhara chauvinist elites to promote their group interest. This organization have a red line they will not crossed when it comes to the government crimes against Ethiopians. The recent allegation in one of the Tigray regional state villages, May-Kadira, Wolkait zone is an example. What is strange is that the Amnesty International take this report directly from EHRC as a reliable source, disseminated and accused the gallant defense forces of Tigray, who are fighting the axis of evils. It is an open secret that, the EHRC keep silent while Tigayans in thousands are arbitrary killing, arresting, torturing, and lose their property by hooligan government agencies in many parts of the country. What become strange in Ethiopia in recent years is that media and government officials or international organizations are voicing or outcrying when something happened to Amhara ethnic group, while no or similar sympathy when the same incidence has happened to other ethnic groups. This trend is not only damaging the coexistence of the people but also lack public trusts on these agencies. Unless we as a human being with a sanity of mind, condemned the action without concentration to whom and by whom it happened, the cycle of violence will continue in our country. To me it is evilness to kill innocent people based on their ethnicity. I do not think the word we use to condemn any crime committed against any human being is enough to express our deep sympathy. Therefore, no matter what differences we have we have to condemned and exposed those who committed crime against human being. The president of Tigray Dr. Debretsion has responded to the allegation, and recommended to investigate the allegation by the neutral body and all similar crimes that has been committed in Ethiopia for the last two and half years and beyond should also be investigated with the same fashions. What should be clear here is that in Ethiopia fake news are dominated the media outlets, and one of the organizers and financier of these fake news media outlets is Abiy Ahmad Ali.

Last, war will never bring lasting peace for any problems. What is important to know is that Abiy and Isayas do not have cause to start this savage and bloody war, which brings human tragedy and incalculable financial and material lost. The only reasons why Abiy started this war is, one because of Tigray election and the second is the rejection of TPLF to join Prosperity Party. For Isayas there could be multiple reasons, but to mention the few, he wants to revenge TPLF and the people of Tigray; and he want to see weak and divided Ethiopia. I think per the approval of the ex-prime minster who is manipulated by some chauvinists Amhara elites, Isayas is achieving what he wants and he is fully engaging to cause more harms to the unity of Ethiopia. What the international communities should ask is, does the above-mentioned reasons could be the cause to start the ongoing bloody war? Except these two individuals and their hate monger’s street-smart supporters, no one support the war no matter what the causes will be or who win or who defeated. The final question is what would we do to stop this bloody but unnecessary war? We have to put pressures on both sides to stop the war and start negotiation. However, if party failed to agree, the suffering of our people will continue, and the fate of Ethiopia will be in danger. To avert more human suffering the International communities have the responsibility to take appropriate punitive measures against those who declines the call for ceasefire.

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